You are About to Become LPP Globally Certified

Gain International Recognition and Join Our Certified Lawyers in 61 Countries

We are pleased that you will soon be able to be globally recognised as a Legal Project Practitioner (LPP).

You are required to have completed a training program with a IILPM accredited Training Provider and meet at least of the following workplace prerequisites:

  • a qualified lawyer (with or without a practice certificate);
  • completion of an IILPM ATP-delivered university program;
  • working in a law firm for at least one year;
  • working with internal Legal Counsel for at least one year;
  • working in a court or judicial system supporting the administration of justice for at least one year; and/or
  • working with law firms in the capacity of an adviser, consultant or trainer for at least one year.

Once you submit this online form our team will confirm receipt and start your certification process towards issuing you the Legal Project Practitioner (LPP) global certification, and LPP credential badge.