The International Institute of Project Management offers both face-to-face, eLearning and blended educational solutions.

We have the following Accredited Training Providers and their corresponding trainers (in alphabetical order):

Balfour Meagher

Todd Hutchison, Australia

Legal Project Mgmt Training

Harald Evers, Germany

CYBG Mgmt Consulting

Gustavo Carmona, Mexico


Dr Jeanne-Mari Retief,  Portugal

The AnthropoLawGist

Veronika Voinovian, Russia


Ignaz Fuesgen, South Africa

Jacqui Baldwin Jarvis,
South Africa

Anna Marra

Anna Marra, Spain

Legal Project Management Ltd

Antony Smith, United Kingdom

LPM Alignment

Larry Bridgesmith, USA

We also have accredited University-based programs at: